NCCCA Virtual Networking Meeting

The North County Climate Change Alliance invites you to join our monthly networking event. This meeting is open to individuals and groups who are concerned about climate change.

Alta Vista Gardens Pond Maintenance

Alta Vista Botanical Gardens 1270 Vale Terrace Dr, Vista, California, United States

Please join fellow NCCCA volunteers in maintaining the beautiful Pond Garden at the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. The NCCCA is part of the Adopt-a-Garden program and our volunteers will meet twice monthly to clip, trim, plant and maintain a chosen garden within the Gardens. Please bring garden gloves and hedge clippers if you have them. Let's commune with nature and familiar faces in one of the most beautiful places in Vista. Meet Suzanne Ryan or Carole at the entrance to the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens at 9:30 am or drop in anytime to help between 9:30 am -12 pm. If Read More ...

Changing Risk of Compound Extremes in a Warming Climate

The western U.S. has experienced several climate-driven extreme events in recent years ranging from record-breaking heat, drought, and intense flood-inducing rainfall. Such widespread extreme events have simultaneously affected a large geographic region affecting disaster management resources, an individual’s ability to avoid impacts, and various societal sectors. Please join Deepti Singh, PhD, who will discuss observed trends in such extremes, their projections and potential societal consequences. Register here in advance for this meeting After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you miss this event we will post it on the NCCCA Youtube channel! Read More ...

NCCCA Virtual Networking Meeting

The North County Climate Change Alliance invites you to join our monthly networking event. This meeting is open to individuals and groups who are concerned about climate change.